Thermally insulated fireproof window system

AS 110EI

The five-chamber AS 110EI system is used to construct fireproof windows with the highest thermal insulation performance on the market.


The construction of the system ensures excellent static and acoustic insulation of the windows.

On the basis of the Classification Report issued by the Building Research Institute (ITB), it is possible to construct single-sash external windows in the fire resistance class EI 30 in individual buildings mounted in rigid structures.
AS 110EI - wizualizacja

Design & functionality

Innovative 5-chamber technology to improve structural rigidity.

Glazing with double-glazed insulating glass units with Contraflam 30 inner pane.

ROTO AL tilt-and-turn fittings.

The window sash flushed with the frame from the outside.

A solution compatible with all Aluron systems

Lower profiles of leaves and low assemblies - more light.

Elegant aluminium drain plugs in the color of the joinery

Possibility of crimping and doweling.

Production optimization – using the same gaskets and fasteners.

Technical parameters

System characteristics

Max. leaf height

2322 mm

Max. leaf width

1494 mm

Frame depth

110 mm

Depth of window sashes

119 mm

Min. visible frame width

54 mm

Min. visible sash width

32 mm

Selected technical parameters of the system

Thermal insulation Uw

from 0,8 W/m2K

Fire resistance

EI 30

Air permeability

class 4

Water tightness

class E1950

Wind load resistance

class C5/B5

Mechanical strength

class 4

Download files

Product sheet

AS 110EI

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