Automatic door system
A state-of-the-art solution for the construction of premium automatic sliding doors with the smallest visible aluminium width. The doors have been tested in accordance with EN 16361.

The system meets the requirements of PN EN 16005, which guarantees a secure locking.

Design & functionality
Available in a narrow leaf joint version - the smallest visible width on the market.
Stepped glass version - all-glass system solution.
System accessories for correct leaf suspension with up-and-down adjustment of the leaf position.
Elegant aluminium drain plugs.
Standard leaf guide and variant with bottom linear guide.
Option of sealing type: brush or seal.
All commercially available automatics can be used.
Technical drawings
Centre section through automatic door - all-glass variant AS 75AD

Centre section through automatic door AS 52AD

Temperature distribution

Technical parameters
System characteristics
Max. leaf width
2000 mm
Max. leaf weight
200 kg
Depth of sliding leaf without thermal insulation
50 mm
Depth of sliding leaf with thermal insulation
75 mm, 52 mm
Selected technical parameters of the system
Thermal insulation Uw
from 0,8 W/m2K
Air permeability
Water tightness
class E 250Pa
Wind load resistance
PPD4 class C deflection
Safety test
+/-600 Pa
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Product sheet